On August the 24th, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Make magazine Germany (Peter König) send me a mail. They are in the process of making a special issue about the ESP32-CAM, and they wanted to know if it is okay for me to use my graphical version of the ESP32-CAM, as also seen on my blog here: ESP32 CAM – Pinout.

I was immediately honored that they wanted to use my graphic design for their magazine! But of course I tried to stay calm and not immediately shout Yes. So I politely said that it was allowed, stating my name and website. I also asked for a copy of the issue. Because this is a German edition of make: magazine, and I would have to travel to Germany to get a copy. And they said Yes!
Make – The magazine
Make – The magazine for do-it-yourselfer. They publish construction reports and step-by-step instructions for creative projects. No matter whether you are a beginner or a professional, there is something for everyone. In addition, the editorial team offers basic information on electronics and technology, which will also help readers with their own projects.

The Make editors are part of the maker scene in Germany. The German Make magazine emerged from a cooperation with the American Maker Media Inc. and the former magazine c’t Hacks with the aim of networking makers from all over Germany.
Special edition
The 80-page Make Special shows you how to get the most out of the included ESP32 CAM board, including 2 MP camera module and programming adapter.
This means you can start your first wireless camera project straight away!

The board:
The ESP-32-CAM Development Board is a first-class option for getting started with IoT development. With its built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and camera functionality, it offers a comprehensive solution. The included ESP32-CAM-MB docking station simplifies programming via a USB port and enables a smooth development and prototyping experience.

Provider: Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG
Item number: 4018837074145
Published: September 19, 2023
Prices include VAT plus shipping costs
This product will be released on September 19, 2023
Do you want a copy? You can order it here: https://shop.heise.de/make-esp32-cam-special-2023-board-ov2640